Zero-emission ship demonstration test has successfully completed in Nagasaki (Wind Hunter Project)
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of a demonstration experiment in Sasebo City, Nagasaki which we have been taking place since September.
Here is the list of media coverage of the event;
・Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL)
“Wind Hunter Project, the ultimate zero-emission ship that runs on wind and hydrogen, has successfully completed a demonstration experiment using the yacht WinzMaru in Sasebo. (English)
・Asahi Newspaper
“CO2-free ship sets sail for demonstration test in Omura Bay (Japanese)
・Mainichi Newspaper,
“Zero-emission ship ‘WinzMaru’ begins experiments in Omura Bay” (Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.) (Japanese)
・Nagasaki International Broadcasting Corporation (NIB) “NIB news every. series Sea “Zero-emission Ship” (approx. 8 min) (Japanese)
・Nagasaki Broadcasting System (NBS) “Pint” What We Can Do for the Future of the SDGs What is an Environmentally Friendly Zero-emission Ship (approx. 7 min) (Japanese)
At O-mura bay in Nagasaki
Propeller of Winz maru Sail of Winz maru