Year |
Paper・Document Title |
Source |
Publisher |
2017 |
Hydrogen Generation Sailing Ship -Conceptual Design and Feasibility Study- |
Proceedings of OCEANS2017 Aberdeen Scotland |
IEEE & Marine Technology Society |
2016 |
The Next Generation Hybrid Sailing Vessel |
Proceedings of SMATEC Symposium, Glasgow UK |
2015 |
A Research on Decreasing Wind Resistance of Large Container Ship |
Energy Efficient Ships Symposium Rotterdam The Netherlands |
2013 |
Wind Challenger” the Next Generation Hybrid Sailing Vessel |
Proceedings of The Third International Symposium on Propulsors (smp’13), Launceston, Tasmania, Australia |
2013 |
Wind Challenger” The Next Generation Wind Powered Vessel with Rigid Sails |
Proceedings of the Symposium on Marine and Offshore Renewable Energy |
2012 |
Wind Challenger Project” The Next Generation Sailing Vessel |
Proc. of 5th PAAMES and Advanced Marine Engineering Conference 2012 Taipei |
PAAMES and Advanced Marine Engineering |
2011 |
Huge Hard Wing Sails for the Propulsor of Next Generation Sailing Vessel |
Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (SMP’11), Hamburg Germany) |
2010 |
Concept Design for Motor Assisted Wind Driven Vessel with Hard Sail |
Proceedings of EVER-10 Monaco |
2010 |
Next Generation Sailing Merchant Vessel with Hard Wing Sails |
Proceedings of 4th PAAMES and Advanced Marine Engineering Conference 2010, Singapore |
PAAMES and Advanced Marine Engineering |
2008 |
Effects of Density Current Generator in Semi-Enclosed Bay |
Proc. of OCEANS’08 Kobe Japan |
2007 |
Three Years Operation of Ocean Nutrient Enhancer TAKUMI in Sagami Bay |
The Proceedings of The 17th ISOPE Lisbon |
2006 |
海洋深層水汲み上げによる海域肥沃化 |
月刊海洋号外「生物海洋学の最近の進歩」 |
海洋出版 |
2005 |
海洋深層水の大量・多用途利用による新基幹産業の創出 |
日本船舶海洋工学会平成17年秋季講演会論文集 |
日本船舶海洋工学会 |
2005 |
海洋深層水汲み上げによるエネルギー・魚類同時生産施設のフィジビリティスタディ |
日本船舶海洋工学会平成17年秋季講演会論文集 |
日本船舶海洋工学会 |
2005 |
Recent Advances of Ocean Nutrient Enhancer “TAKUMI” Project |
Proc. Of the 6th ISOPE Ocean Mining Symposium |
2005 |
温度成層条件における海洋肥沃化装置「拓海」の放流水貫入深度 |
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集第1号 |
日本船舶海洋工学会 |